Icy hot deals on select Expedition departures
Depending on your travel date, you can snap up iceberg-sized savings on our Antarctica Expedition cruises to Earth’s frozen frontier. View Terms and Conditions.
Why travel with Vivavivu?
As the leader in small group adventure travel for 30+ years, we've redefined the way travellers see the world. Check out how we’re creating the future of travel.

Small groups
Join a small group of like-minded travellers that, like you, are eager to safely and confidently experience all the things that make our world worth exploring.

100% guaranteed departures
Pack those bags and don't break a sweat because we guarantee every single one of our departures. As long as it's safe, you're going!

Locally based guides
At Vivavivu, we don’t have tour guides — we have Chief Experience Officers. And they are all locally based, meaning they know the area you’re exploring like the back of their well-travelled hand.

Built to support local communities
We have always created our tours by building meaningful relationships with local communities, directly benefiting the people and places we visit.

Flexibility, freedom, fun
No matter the Travel Style, our tours balance well-planned itineraries with the flexibility to do your own thing and make the experience your own.

G for Good
When you travel with us, you experience first-hand our commitment to making travel a force for good is in everything we do.